India Arts Funding Forum
An open source forum for Indian artists to discover funding opportunities, receive feedback on applications to build a transparent arts funding ecosystem.
Lead Investigator: Gaurav Singh
Group Members: Varoon P. Anand and Winnu Das
The India Arts Funding Forum is a transparent and open source platform that addresses the problem of siloed knowledge, opaque networks and scattered information in the arts funding landscape in India. With a community-led approach at its core, the forum is built as a digital portal accessible on web and mobile devices, bringing together Indian artists from various disciplines, locations and experience levels. There are various actions that can be taken on the forum, with funding calls being at the forefront of it, that are categorised by theme, discipline and other filters. Additionally, artists can upload successful applications for reference, or seek feedback from other artists on proposals, and engage in discussion threads about arts funding in the country. The forum relies on crowd-sourced materials (proposals, opportunities, threads) and peer-led activity (discussions, feedback, submissions) to open up knowledge, networks and information for artists.
This project received seed funding in 2022 under the Codes, Creativity, Communities (C3) program, initiated by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai and Zentrum für Kunst und Medien ZKM, Karlsruhe, and further developed in collaboration with BeFantastic.