This is a draft and we welcome all feedback.
Share your thoughts as a comment below, a message to Winnu Das via the IAFF messaging feature, or as an email to We would love to hear what is clear, what isn't and any questions, comments or advice as we develop this framework.
The IAFF legal framework consists of four parts:
The Terms of Service: What is IAFF, who can access it, and what are our general legal obligations and what happens if there is a breach.
Terms of Sharing and Accessing Proposals: What do individuals uploading and accessing proposals agree to, what can they customise, and what is IAFF's role and responsibilities here. This is the space for the most conversation and most critical to fostering trust among the people sharing and accessing proposals and other sensitive information which is the core feature of the platform.
Community Guidelines: We are accessing potentially sensitive information and asking people to interact with one another on online platform. This section deals with what the mandate of IAFF is, how we intend to moderate and curate the forum to facilitate this mandate, the responsibilities of those who use the platform in enabling the same, and the consequences in cases of violations. This section also includes the responsibility to review whether any information is confidential or copyrighted and the procedure to deal with any breaches in that regard.
The Privacy Policy (which is underway): This will look at the data storage, deleting accounts, cookies, etc. The cookies on the website will be the ones collected by Wix. There will be options for Members to delete any or all of the information they have posted, including deleting their account.
Challenges and questions
We would love feedback on what we have till now:
Which parts are most unclear and could be simplified, shortened or clarified?
What should be removed or reworked? This could be because it is legally unsound or looks intimidating or might put someone off from using the platform
What should be kept or elaborated on? These could be the terms that make you feel most comfortable to sharing information here or otherwise use the platform.
What are things that we are missing entirely?
These are the questions we have framed, but any feedback is welcome.
The intention is to have it as simple as possible - to facilitate sharing through legal guarantees but not make it intimidating. At the start we were veering towards more of a code of ethics rather than a comprehensive legal document. However the general advice has been that we need strict and complete legal terms of use. The primary areas that consultants emphasised were:
Limiting IAFF's liability
Navigating any confidentiality clauses or rights that are vested with the grant organisations and do not vest with the artist.
Making legal terms accessible
The length and long words have increased past what was initially intended in using the required legal language to limit our liability and make other terms tight in terms or legal responsibility. We will balance this by:
linking to sections about legal concepts such as expression vs. idea in copyright law,
A comprehensive legal FAQs section
Every part of the legal terms will stay up as a forum thread for comments and questions that will be compiled periodically into the FAQ section or a new post, or introduced as changes to the substance or wording of the terms themselves.
The legal framework will be reviewed annually, or at a shorter interval in case something significant is brought to our notice.
Within the project period, we will have beta testers, including legal experts give feedback on the legal framework. Do share if there are other ways in which you feel that learning and access would be most supported such as peer learning or a workshop with an expert.